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Committed to equipping women with timeless and considered design. Enabling the modern women to feel empowered in every aspect.

Through creating limited capsules of versatile designs, which are unique and diverse in their offering. Each capsule is a precise assortment of luxury essentials in one colour.

Exclusive in quantity and premium in quality. Each piece is numbered to reflect the collectible nature and exclusivity.



SHÉ has taken the necessary steps to ensure impacts on the environment are measured and as minimal as possible.

Each capsule is based on market trends, consumer needs and
versatility in the garments. Followed by the procurement of raw materials originating from the cutting room of existing brands/materials never used- Deadstock, fabric which would otherwise go to landfill.


Wall Fabrics are an Australasian company who have been working with designers for over thirty years. They supply end of line or discarded fabrics from around the globe with a focus on sourcing natural fibres such as wool suiting, silk and cotton.


Manufactured in Melbourne, by an ethical production house.

A team of experienced pattern makers, garment cutters, sample machinists and production machinists, work together with some of Melbourne's leading fashion brands to create well made garments.
